Get to know the eco-friendly IR3535® insect repellent, which keeps away all kinds of bugs like mosquitoes, flies, horseflies, ticks, head lice, and wasps.
Tested against various mosquitoes, even in low concentrated formulations our insect repellent IR3535® demonstrated reliable protection of up to 8 hours (Test Institute in Brazil, Lab Test, 2017)*. This makes it the ingredient of choice for a strong mosquito repellent.
Of course, you’ll find a variety of mosquito repellents on the market. These contain Picaridin (also known as Icaridin), DEET, or natural oils like citronella or lemon eucalyptus. This is why it’s important to emphasize the benefits of our mosquito repellent IR3535®: according to the WHO, IR3535® is recommended as a safe and efficient option for prevention of mosquito bites.
Thanks to its specific molecular structure, which is essentially inspired by nature, products containing IR3535® go easy on humans and the environment. IR3535® produces what is called a “repellent effect”, and it does not kill or harm insects or the environment. That’s why this bug repelling ingredient has such an excellent safety record. It makes it possible to formulate insect repellents that are safe to be used by all, including toddlers and pregnant women. In fact, IR3535® protects everyone in the family. Are you trying to find a DEET-free product that protects everyone in your family without causing harm? Then IR3535® is the insect repellent you’re looking for. For instructions on how to use IR3535® safely, please read the product label.
Its exceptional tolerability makes IR3535® suitable for everyone seeking ultimate protection: families away from home, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, babies, toddlers, and even senior citizens – who often have sensitive skin and still require reliable protection. IR3535® is also perfect for fans of the great outdoors or people traveling to exotic destinations, especially if they need a repellent that can be re-applied multiple times a day – including at sunrise or sunset.

Frequently Asked Questions
WHAT EXACTLY IS IR3535®?An active ingredient that quietly keeps its promise To scientists, IR3535® is known as ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate [EBAAP]. Not only does it discourage insects from biting humans, it also protects your beloved four-legged friends, such as dogs, cats, and horses. If you’re looking for a highly effective DEET-free product, IR3535® is an excellent option.
WHAT ARE THE KEY THINGS IR3535® DELIVERS?Efficacy and long-term protection: It doesn’t matter how IR3535® is applied (in a spray, oil, sticks, or wipes). It protects you for up to 8 hours from any kind of bug – mosquitoes, ticks, head lice… A quiet night after a busy day: The last thing you want to worry about (day or night) is being bitten by insects or catching one of the unpleasant diseases they might transmit! Childhood is about playing outdoors, babies want to crawl in the sand, families want to explore the countryside in a canoe or camp outdoors without worrying about what might happen. Sustainability: Our insect repellent respects the environment and takes care of your skin and health. So, it has an excellent “toxicological and eco-toxicological profile” – in other words, it’s not toxic to aquatic organisms such as fish or algae. Moreover, it doesn’t build up in the environment. So, it’s a great way to protect yourself and the environment at the same time!
WHAT IS THE EFFICACY OF IR3535® AGAINST AEDES?Infected patients are recommended to stay under a bed net or stay in a place with intact window/door screens and should be protected with “IR3535® or Icaridin” from further bites. The recommendations for nursing staff or all others are that they should rest under a mosquito net treated with or without insecticide, should wear clothes that cover the extremities, stay in places with air conditioning and should apply repellents to their exposed skin or clothes containing insect repellents like IR3535®. IR3535® has been shown to be effective against various Aedes species (e. g. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus), which are, amongst others, the main vectors for the Zika virus, Dengue virus, Yellow Fever virus, West Nile virus and Chikingunya virus. In addition, various efficacy tests with Culex species that may also transmit West Nile virus have been performed. Protection times have been derived in the range of 4 to 12 hours. For the IR3535® EPA formulations, field tests were performed in the US and these show a high level of efficacy against Aedes melaminon (8 – 10 hours protection time). Based on the available data, it is concluded that IR3535®-based formulations can aid the population in the protection against the above- mentioned vector-borne diseases. In comparison IR3535® proved to be a mild solution but highly effective for prevent from Zika infection.
WHAT TESTS HAVE BEEN DONE TO PROVE IR3535's EFFICACY?The field and "arm in cage" tests used for IR3535® are designed to focus on one species at a time. To prove the efficacy of our insect repellent against mosquitoes, we either conduct tests in the field or in a lab. These tests allow us to estimate the protection time of our insect repellent. The results are then shown on the label as hours of protection. If insect protection is important to you, IR3535® is the best friend you could wish for. We understand how important it is to feel safe when you’re outdoors – you’ve probably got much better things to do than worrying about insect bites! We take this need seriously, which is why we want people using products with IR3535® to feel safe and protected for up to 8 hours.
CAN I USE INSECT REPELLENT WITH IR353® ON MY BABY?The IR3535® molecule was inspired by a naturally occurring amino acid, making it highly tolerable for humans, animals, and the environment. That’s why IR3535® boasts an excellent safety record, enabling insect repellent formulations for safe use on everyone, including infants and pregnant women. No age limits apply to IR3535®, so IR3535® repellents are even safe for very young children. Nevertheless, repellents should always be handled with caution, and the product label instructions and information should be read carefully.
CAN I USE BUG REPELLENTS WITH IR353® TO PREVENT HEAD LICE?IR3535® is a reliable and highly tolerable active substance in repellents used to prevent lice infestations. A bio-clinical study (* F. Militäo de Sousa, 2009 Veterinary Faculty State University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil) with IR3535® repellent proved that a single application can provide protection for up to two days, assuming the product is not rinsed off with water. The tolerance levels were excellent. None of the respondents reported irritation, redness, or itching during the time of the test.
ARE IR353® INSECT REPELLENTS EFFECTIVE AGAINST TICKS?When used as an active ingredient in repellents, IR3535® provides reliable protection against ticks. The repellent efficacy of IR3535® against Ixodes scapularis was tested in 2008. The results showed that a lotion containing 10% IR3535® provided nine hours of protection. A spray with 20% IR3535® provided up to 11 hours of protection. An aerosol with 30% IR3535® even provided up to 11 hours of protection. Tests with the European sheep tick confirmed the efficacy against ticks.
HOW DOES THE INSECT REPELLENT IR353® WORK (MODE OF ACTION)?Insects use natural odors to navigate. There are various substances in nature which provide signals to insects. For example, there are substances which help male mosquitoes find females or guide females to a host where they can feed on blood. IR3535® is based on a natural amino acid called ß-alanine. It sends out a simple message to these insects: stay away! This is called the “repellent effect”. So IR3535® is a repellent that tells insects to move away from skin, textiles, and hair. Some repellents also have insecticidal effect, which means they may actually kill insects after contact. This is not the case with IR3535®, which only sends out a message to go away and does not harm insects.
IS THE INSECT REPELLENT IR353® SAFE?IR3535® only issues messages to insects. When used on human skin or textiles, it is not capable of killing insects. In addition, IR3535® is gentle on the skin and scores highly in terms of safety. This has been confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Environmental protection Agency (EPA), and many other international authorities. IR3535® has been used in repellent products in Europe for more than 30 years and there are no known reports regarding serious side effects. For more information, refer to the original publications issued by the WHO and the EPA by clicking on the “other webpages” button.
ARE PRODUCT WITH IR353® SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN, BABIES, OR PREGNANT WOMEN?Yes. Many authorities (as well as the WHO) have investigated the safety of IR3535® in detail. IR3535® received an excellent safety rating and is specifically highlighted with respect to use in children’s products. The French Ministry of Health recommended IR3535® for children and pregnant woman during chikungunya epidemics on Réunion (January 31, 2006). IR3535® is now found worldwide in many repellent products specifically targeted at children. With most products, the label provides you with the best instructions on children’s use. Any repellent used by a child should be applied by an adult. You will find specific usage instructions for children here: http://www.cdc.gov (search for “Insect Repellents”).
CAN I ALSO APPLY IR353® PRODUCTS TO MY CLOTHES TO WARD OFF MOSQUITOES, TICKS AND FLIES?Some products containing IR3535® are intended for use on clothes and not just the skin. Please follow the usage instructions of these products before application. We recommend trying them on a part of your clothing that cannot be seen before use. Like a number of other repellents, IR3535® is not compatible with certain synthetic materials. But adding insect protection to clothes can be important in high-risk areas because some mosquitoes can bite through clothes. Also, ticks often stay undiscovered on clothing for hours before moving to unprotected skin later.
HOW CAN I PROTECT MYSELF AGAINST BOTH INSECTS AND SUN?Simply apply sun protection first, wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then apply the insect repellent. If you apply sun protection after a repellent, this may reduce the effectiveness of the repellent since insects cannot “smell” the repellent anymore.